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Human Development and Criminal Behavior: New Ways of Advancing Knowledge

NCJ Number
M Tonry; L E Ohlin; D P Farrington
Date Published
233 pages
In presenting the conclusions and recommendations of the first two years' work of the Program on Human Development and Criminal Behavior, this book outlines the research strategies that the program deems essential to creating new knowledge of the processes that produce conduct disorder, delinquency, and criminality.
The program aims to investigate human development from birth to age 25, to learn why some people with particular characteristics or who undergo particular experiences become deviant predators and others do not. Six chapters on design and sampling issues discuss accelerated longitudinal design, longitudinal-experimental combinations, community sampling, household and individual sampling, sampling yield, and site selection. Three chapters on measurement and analysis discuss common variables, measurement issues, and statistical methods and analysis. Four chapters on cohort studies address prenatal and preschool cohorts, young adolescent cohorts, young adult cohorts, and sibling study. Appendixes discuss preparatory field work and supplemental studies as well as issues in the use of biomedical measures. 260 references