In 2022, the FTCOE hosted the inaugural National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Forensic Science Graduate Research Symposium during National Forensic Science Week. This year, the FTCOE is combining the NIJ Forensic Science Graduate Research Symposium with the National Forensic Science Week FTCOE Student Research Poster Session to provide a platform for undergraduate students, graduate students, and early career scientists to present their research to a broad audience. The FTCOE is grateful for all the universities, faculty, and students who took the time to prepare oral and poster presentations for this year’s event. The FTCOE recognizes your hard work and is convening this virtual event to celebrate and learn from your research.
This virtual symposium will be held on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 from 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM ET and will include a series of 15-minute oral presentations followed by a live question and answer session. Browse the virtual poster gallery at your leisure to learn about research being conducted by a diverse group of students across the United States and the globe. Pre-recorded presentations will be available along with the contact information of presenters for follow-up questions and discussions.