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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Media Inquiries


Office of Communications/Media Affairs
Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, except Federal Holidays

Members of the Media: For inquiries or to request an interview, please fill out the form to help speed up the process. You will get a confirmation when you hit submit.

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Ground Rules for Inquiry Responses and Interviewing the Office of Justice Programs Officials.

Please be advised of these ground rules for all communications and interviews between members of the press and Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs officials.

Ground Rules:

Ground rules must be agreed upon at the beginning of a conversation or an interview with Department officials. The discussion should proceed only after you and the officials are clear on exactly how the information can be used or attributed.

All statements from officials of the Office of Public Affairs are considered on the record unless otherwise specified. If an official provides information in email under other ground rules and a reporter, after receipt of the email, does not agree to those ground rules, the information is then considered not useable until the ground rules are agreed upon.

Levels of Attribution:

On the Record
Information may be quoted directly and attributed to the official by name and title.

On Background
The official's remarks may be quoted directly or paraphrased and are attributed to an "Office of Justice Programs official" as determined by the official. When appropriate, a source may be described by their position.

On Deep Background
The official cannot be quoted or identified in any manner, not even as "an unnamed source." The information is usually couched in such phrases as "it is understood that" or "it has been learned." The information may be used in the reporting to help present or gain a better understanding of the subject, but the knowledge is that of the reporter not the source.

Off the Record
Nothing of what the journalist is told may be used in the story. The information is meant only for the education of the reporter.

Access to Media Events

Accredited journalists and media technicians who are entering the Office of Justice programs must go through security and present one of the following as identification:

A U.S. Government-issued photo media credential (e.g., White House, Department of Defense, Congress),


An official photo identification card issued by their news organization,


A letter from their employer on official letterhead verifying their current employment as a journalist.


An official government photo identification (i.e., U.S. driver's license or passport).

Media Request Form

Do not include Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in any attachments.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, .
50 MB limit per form.


The authority by which information is collected on this website form is 5 U.S.C. 301 and 44 U.S.C. 3101.  Your disclosure of information to the Department of Justice on this form is voluntary.  If you do not complete all or some information fields in this form, however, the Department of Justice may not be able to effectively respond.

The principal purpose for collecting this information on this website form is to control, track, respond to, and maintain correspondence received or originated by the Department or referred to the Department.  In addition to disclosing this information to the appropriate officials and employees within the Department for the purposes of controlling, tracking, responding to, and maintaining the Department’s correspondence, the routine uses which may be made of the information collected on this website form include, but are not limited to: any civil or criminal law enforcement authority or other appropriate agency where a record, either on its face or in conjunction with other information, indicates a violation or potential violation of law; to contractors, grantees, experts, consultants, students, and others performing or working on a contract, service, grant, cooperative agreement, or other assignment for the Federal government, when necessary to accomplish an agency function related to the corresponding system of records; and to such recipients and under such circumstances and procedures as are mandated by federal statute or treaty. 

The full list of routine uses for this correspondence can be found in the System of Records Notice titled, JUSTICE/DOJ-003, “Correspondence Management Systems (CMS) for the Department of Justice,” 66 Fed. Reg. 29992 (6-04-2001); 66 Fed. Reg. 34743 (6-29-2001);  67 Fed. Reg. 65598 (10-25-2002); 82 Fed. Reg. 24147 (5-25-2017).