During this webinar, staff from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will discuss the National NIBRS Estimation Project (NNEP), a joint effort between BJS and the FBI to establish the methodology necessary to estimate reported crime based on data submitted by law enforcement to the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).
This webinar will provide an overview on the work of the NNEP over the past several years, the accomplishments to date, efforts to evaluate the NIBRS data and determine implications of data quality and coverage for estimating crime at the state and national levels, and other estimation considerations. The webinar will also outline the key indicators to be estimated through the new system and the upcoming schedule for generating official crime estimates based on NIBRS data.
- Erica L. Smith, Chief, Law Enforcement Incident-Based Statistics Unit, BJS
- Cynthia Barnett-Ryan, Data Scientist, Programs Research and Standards Unit, FBI
- Marcus Berzofsky, Senior Research Statistician, RTI International