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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Improving Youth Interaction through Fair and Impartial Justice

Event Dates
Centre Concord

Concord, CA

*This class has been cancelled. The National Criminal Justice Training Center encourages you to sign up for their emails for updates on when the class will be rescheduled. Sign up for their emails here: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=4x5yulqab&p=oi&m=1117082385151&sit=nhz9jqvib&f=5e680e0c-5053-4aff-a7cb-8786d04e5bd2v

Built on evidence-based principles, this training curriculum supports law enforcement in fostering strong community relationships, enhancing interactions with youth, and creating effective interventions to divert at-risk and minority youth from the justice system. Improving procedural justice efforts in the juvenile justice system offers an unmatched return-on-investment for law enforcement agencies.

Date Created: February 3, 2021