January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Every year since 2010, the President has dedicated the month to raising awareness about the different forms of human trafficking and educating people about this crime and how to spot it.
To acknowledge and highlight this month, OVC is launching a new series of publication: graphic novels to support youth who have experienced human trafficking as they navigate the justice system. The publications will raise awareness about human trafficking.
The Center for Court Innovation (CCI) was funded by OVC in FY 2016 to create materials for children and youth involved in the justice system—both criminal and family courts—to better help the children and youth understand their roles, their rights, and the processes, explained to them in a trauma-informed and developmentally appropriate resource. OVC published this grantee product in 2021. While developing this product, CCI noted the need for supplemental materials specific to young victims of trafficking, as they often present in and interact with the judicial system in unique ways.
There are three separate graphic novels intended for children and youth aged 12-18. Each novel features a different type of trafficking and a character working with the justice system.
This webinar will highlight these graphic novels and how they will help raise awareness about human trafficking.
Accessibility: Live captioning and American Sign Language interpretation will be made available. Additionally, the recorded webinar with captions, along with a transcript, will be posted to the OVC website after the event concludes.