NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2020
1 page
This resource home page provided by the U.S. Justice Department's Office for Victims of Crime offers online access to a variety of user-friendly sample materials, professional artwork, and tutorials to assist local sponsors of the 2020 National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW), which is the week of April 19-25.
The resources provided include outreach tools and sample materials to assist in implementing a NCVRW awareness campaign. Materials and information include a history of the crime victims' rights movement, fact sheets on crime and victimization, suggestions for raising awareness in the community, and original artwork that provides visual promotion of the 2020 NCVRW. A variety of high-resolution artwork is accessible for use in the public awareness campaign. Advice is provided on the use of media and other tools to assist sponsoring organizations in mounting a comprehensive public awareness campaign that uses social and traditional media. Overall, the resources are intended to increase the visibility of the NCVRW themes, promote resources for crime victims, and engage in a dialogue with community members about the need for and features of crime victim services.
Date Published: February 1, 2020
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