NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2017
16 pages
Feature articles and regular sections in this issue address missing child victims not reported for an AMBER Alert, profiles of State AMBER Alert State coordinators, case studies of effective uses of AMBER Alert nationally and internationally, efforts to improve AMBER Alert, and AMBER Alert in Indian Country.
"Why an AMBER Alert May Never Be Issued" reports a study on sex trafficking in Las Vegas that found the majority of victims were teens under the threat of violence from their perpetrators, with more than half of all underage victims never reported missing, thus never being the subject of an AMBER Alert. "Faces of the AMBER Alert Network" profiles Tennessee AMBER Alert Coordinator Margie Quin and Illinois AMBER Alert Coordinator Craig Burge. "AMBER Alert on the FRONT Lines: Citizens Respond Quickly to Maryland AMBER Alert Issued for Infant Taken in Carjacking" explains how the AMBER Alert was critical in the safe recovery of the infant. "AMBER Alert International" reports on the efforts of a Canadian social worker who is leading the campaign for "Alex Alert," which is needed to address missing at-risk children who do not fit the criteria for an AMBER Alert and that can be issued to authorities across Provinces to assist in locating and rescuing at-risk children who disappear. Other news related to AMBER Alert International pertains to Malta's use of face book for AMBER Alerts, a Canadian Province that is considering "Silver Alert," and an Ontario woman charged for a false AMBER Alert. Information is also provided on global efforts to improve and expand AMBER Alert programs. News on AMBER Alert in Indian Country is provided, along with other news in "AMBER Alert Briefs."
Date Published: June 1, 2017
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