This paper reports on the Justice Department’s audit of how the Guam Office of the Attorney General designed and implemented its crime victim compensation program; it describes the Office of the Inspector General’s audit approach, objectives, results, conclusions, and recommendations; and includes five appendix documents.
This audit report describes the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG’s) evaluation of how the Guam Office of the Attorney General (Guam, OAG), in Tamuning, Guam, designed and implemented its crime victim compensation program. The document discusses the OIG’s audit approach, which involved an assessment of performance in the following areas of grant management: program planning and execution; program requirements and performance reporting; and grant financial management. Results from the audit indicated that the Guam OAG used victim compensation funds to enhance its program and identified concerns about the Guam OAG’s implementation of its crime victim compensation programs but not about the performance reporting, state certifications, or federal financial reports. The report presents audit reports, conclusions, and recommendations. The five appendixes include: Objectives, Scope, and Methodology; a schedule of dollar-related findings; the Guam Office of the Attorney General’s response to the draft Audit Report; the Office of Justice Programs’ response to the draft Audit Report; and the OIG’s analysis and summary of actions needed to close the Audit Report.
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