Intended for children ages 7-12 interacting with the child welfare system, this sequel to “I Am Isabella,” which is a story of Isabella and her family as they interact with the child welfare system, focuses on Isabella’s experience of being removed from her home and placed with another caregiver.
This illustration of a common occurrence in cases of child removal from her original family and familiar home follows Isabella as she adjusts to life in her new home with her Aunt Diana and as she meets regularly with her caseworker and counselor. Her visits with her mother and her feelings about what is happening to her are also discussed. The introductory material for this story advises professionals considering using it with clients that it is recommended only for children who have or are at significant risk for removal from their family home in their own child welfare cases. The story’s introduction to child readers tells them that “Things probably feel really confusing. You might have a lot of questions and different feelings about what’s going on. This book is here to help you figure some of that out. Isabella’s experience might be different than what you’re going through, but it might help you understand what’s going on. No matter what happens, you should know that you’re not alone. These kinds of things happen to other kids, too. There are lots of ways to get help and support. Don’t be afraid to ask for it.”
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