Presents national-level statistics describing all aspects of processing in the Federal criminal justice system, including investigations by U.S. attorneys, prosecutions and declinations, pretrial release and detention, convictions and acquittals, sentencing, appeals, and correctional populations for 1999. The 1999 edition includes additional statistics describing arrests made by DEA agents. Interactive tabulations of Federal criminal case processing data are available from the Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center.
- During 1999, 109,857 offenders were arrested by Federal law enforcement agencies for violations of Federal law.
- During 1999, U.S. attorneys initiated criminal investigations involving 117,994 suspects, and they concluded their investigations of 113,933 suspects.
- Between 1990 and 1999, the number of offenders on community supervision increased by 14%, from 84,801 during 1990 to 96,502 during 1999.
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