NCJ Number
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0 pages
The purpose of this "Desktop Guide" (the Guide) is to provide practitioners along the various points on the youth-custody continuum with a resource that describes promising and effective practices based in theory and tested by research.
The Guide is divided into two parts. Part I, "Principles and Concepts," explores the background, principles, concepts, and knowledge that are at the core of juvenile justice and services for youth in confinement. Part II, "Daily Practice," identifies the features of quality practice, including the skills needed to provide effective services to confined youth. The seven chapters of Part I address major milestones in the history of the juvenile justice system in the United States; types of juvenile correctional facilities; physical plant design and operations; the development and maintenance of a professional workforce; the rights and responsibilities of confined youth; adolescent development; and emerging issues for facilities that confine youth. The 12 chapters of Part II address management and facility administration; admission and intake; effective programs and services; mental health services; physical healthcare services; education services; behavior management; service and treatment plans; behavior observation, recording, and report writing; quality assurance; transition planning and reentry; and complex issues and vulnerable populations. 41 references and extensive notes
Date Published: January 1, 2014
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