NCJ Number
Date Published
April 1999
2 pages
This Fact Sheet reports on the mission and work of the Task Force on Employment and Training for Court-Involved Youth.
The task force's goals were to identify the diverse needs of court-involved youth; identify the most promising mix of employment and training strategies for moving court-involved youth into the mainstream; define the roles and responsibilities of the agencies and organizations that work with court-involved youth, so as to improve training and employment opportunities; and recommend ways the workforce development, juvenile justice, education, social services, community-based support, and labor market systems can collaborate in providing effective job training and employment for court-involved youth. The reporting of task force achievements includes a listing of the features of promising programs for youth development, vocational training, and employment. Separate sections of the Fact Sheet address programming for early intervention, residential programming, and aftercare programming. The concluding section promotes collaboration among community systems that affect court-involved youth.
Date Published: April 1, 1999
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