NCJ Number
Date Published
9 pages
From 1996 to 2001, the National Center for State Courts conducted an evaluation of data collection and communication system projects undertaken with Violence Against Women Act STOP (Services, Training, Officers, Prosecution) grant funds; this executive summary reports the findings for 1998-2001 and offers recommendations to the U.S. Department of Justice for improving STOP projects.
The findings reported are based on responses to a basic questionnaire from 171 1995-98 subgrantees and 69 1999-2000 subgrantees; responses to a follow-up questionnaire from 36 1997-98 subgrantees and 15 1999-2000 subgrantees; telephone interviews with 46 STOP subgrantees (27 in 1999 and 19 in 2000/2001); and two site visits to one STOP subggrantee (the Center for Court Innovation), which developed the Domestic Violence Court Technology Application and Resource Link in the Brooklyn and Bronx Domestic Violence Courts. The findings indicate that subgrantees interpreted the definition of data collection and communication systems expansively to address acute local needs to increase access to services, support the prosecution of domestic violence cases, and enhance safety at the scene of domestic violence calls. These uses of the STOP funds improved the ability of subgrantees to provide services and to achieve the general goals of the Violence Against Women Act. Many data or communication systems would not have been developed without STOP grant funding. In continuing to fund projects in this purpose area, the Department of Justice might consider developing a small set of standardized performance measures for statewide and national reporting; providing training and technical assistance to STOP administrators in strategic planning for the development and sustainability of State and local data systems to reduce violence against women; and creating an information clearinghouse for current and potential grantees about State and local funding sources available to complement, supplement, and potentially sustain support provided by Federal funds. Suggestions are offered for future funding priorities. 3 tables
Date Published: January 1, 2002
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