This review of articles from publications intended primarily for forensic practitioners focuses on articles that pertain to forensic DNA analysis, trace evidence, and drugs and poisons.
Within the scope of each of these areas, the authors have selected key articles that describe current forensic science practices in analytical chemistry and outline relevant forensic science research interests. Articles that address DNA analysis encompass the collection, characterization, preservation, extraction, and quantitation of biological material; short tandem repeats, single nucleotide polymorphisms, Y-chromosome and X-chromosome analysis; and mitochondrial DNA typing. Other articles relevant to forensic DNA analysis focus on non-human DNA typing systems and microbial forensics; DNA databases, mass screens, and mass disasters; interpretation and statistical weight of DNA typing results; and general reviews. Articles that deal with various types of trace evidence address petroleum products and explosives; hairs, fibers, glass, and paint; gunshot residue analysis; fingerprints; and miscellaneous trace evidence. Articles dealing with drugs and poisons address ethanol and volatiles, cannabinoids, morphine and related narcotics, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, gamahydroxybutyrate and related compounds, miscellaneous drugs, and "other techniques." 560 references
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