Presents counts and rates of hate crime victimization in 2012, using data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The tables show change in the number and rate of hate crime victimizations since 2011 and during the 10-year period since 2003. They examine the perceived motivation for the hate crime, demographic characteristics of victims and offenders, and the percentage of hate crime reported to police. In addition, the tables compare characteristics of hate crime and nonhate crime victimization, and the NCVS and FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) hate crime statistics.
- An estimated 293,800 violent and property hate crime victimizations occurred in 2012 against persons age 12 or older residing in U.S. households.
- Victims perceived that over half (51%) of hate crimes were motivated by ethnicity bias in 2012, which was higher than the percentage in 2011 (30%) and 2004 (22%).
- The percentage of hate crimes motivated by religious bias nearly tripled from 10% in 2004 to 28% in 2012, while the percentage of hate crimes motivated by gender bias more than doubled from 12% to 26% during the same period.
- An estimated 60% of hate crime victimizations were not reported to police in 2012. This was a slight decline from 2011, when about three-quarters (74%) of hate crime victimizations were not reported to police.
- The percentage of hate crimes involving violence increased from 78% in 2004 to 90% in 2011 and 2012.
- The rate of violent hate crime against Hispanics more than tripled from 0.6 per 1,000 persons age 12 or older in 2011 to 2.0 per 1,000 in 2012.
- In 2012, the offender had a weapon in at least 24% of violent hate crime victimizations, and the victim sustained an injury in 20% of violent hate crime victimizations.
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