NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2000
0 pages
Publication Series
This 2 part video of a live national satellite broadcast presents the final plenary session of a National Juvenile Justice Summit (June 6-7, 2000) entitled, "How Shall We Respond to the Dreams of Youth?"
The format of the final plenary session is to present a video of the activities of each of six panels that dealt with a featured issue of the conference, followed by an overview presentation of a panel member and questions from conference participants as well as call-in questions. Included in each of the six panel presentations is a consensus resolution. One panel resolved that society should respond to the dreams of youth by promoting children's emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Underlying this resolution is the necessity for the provision of such resources as education, housing, nutrition, health care, social services, family supports, and affordable child care and early childhood development programs. The second panel resolved that society should nurture and unleash the full human potential of children through the arts, sports, recreation, and education. Resources for achieving this resolution include mentoring, leadership training, arts programs, and sports programs. The third panel resolved that society should invest in community-based programs to care for neglected, abused, and delinquent children. Among suggested resources for this resolution are alternatives to incarceration and independent living programs. The resolution of the fourth panel is to give kids in trouble with the law a chance to make a better choice through a separate justice system for youth, individualized justice and adequate counsel, and community-based treatment and rehabilitation. The resolution of the fifth panel is to provide humane confinement for serious juvenile offenders only as a last resort. Such confinement would include health care services, education services, and youth development programs. The sixth panel resolved to ensure fair and equal justice for all children and youth, with attention to overrepresentation and disparate treatment of minority youth in the juvenile justice system, including female delinquents. A participant information packet is provided.
Date Published: June 1, 2000
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