The study produced seven significant findings. First, the criminogenic features conducive to street robberies can be different at different times of the day and different days of the week. Second, the extent of the spatial influences of different cash businesses, illegal workers, and non-commercial businesses can be different from one another in the same tme period or in different time periods. Third, the extent of the spatial influence of the same feature can be different according to time of day and day of the week. Fourth, despite the number of significant risk factors identified for street robberies in each time period, some have stronger criminogenic influences than others. Fifth, some landscape features uniformly identified as crime generators or crime attractors can attract street robberies for different reasons at different times within or outside their operating hours. Sixth, some landscape features can have a protective influence against street robberies. Seventh, When the combined extent and weight of the criminogenic influence of several landscape features at a place are taken into account, it is easier to identify the places at highest risk for street robberies. Implications of this study are drawn for risk assessment; crime prevention; and police planning, crime analysis, and resource allocation. 31 tables and approximately 110 references
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