The law that established the ITVERP authorizes the issuing of Federal compensation for victims who have suffered direct physical or emotional injury or death resulting from an act of international terrorism occurring abroad. Those eligible for reimbursement under ITVERP include U.S. nationals and U.S. government officers, employees, and contractors. If the victim is a minor or is incompetent, incapacitated, or killed, then a spouse, parent, child, sibling, or legally designated representative of the victim may receive expense reimbursement on behalf of the victim. All other recognized financial resources must be used before an expense can be considered for reimbursement under ITVERP. This includes private, group, employer, or union health insurance, FBI emergency assistance, and assistance from specified Federal agencies. After filing an ITVERP claim, a victim can inquire about other financial assistance or seek reimbursement of expenses not covered under ITVERP by contacting one's State victim compensation program at Contact information for the ITVERP is also provided.
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