As part of the technical assistance offered to grantees under the federal Law Enforcement-Based Direct Victim Services & Technical Assistance Program (LEV Program), the current document, the second in a series of technical assistance templates, focuses on law enforcement victim-services protocols and documentation.
This second package of templates follows a first package of templates that addressed Victim Services Unit job position descriptions, interview questions and considerations of these positions, a Victim Services Code of Ethics, personnel standards and responsibilities, and documentation standards. The current Template Package II contains templates on 1) protocols and 2) documentation samples that are based on scenarios presented for each crime-specific victim-service protocol. The basic protocol templates address policies and procedures related to language access, mandated reporting, parent/guardian information, victim/witness interview, employee assistance, and on-call response. Templates for individual case protocols, case scenarios, and documentation pertain to victim services tailored to address the needs of victims of the following crimes: assault/aggravated assault; burglary; child abuse; death notification; domestic violence; elder/vulnerable adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation; fraud/ID theft; harassment/stalking; homicide; human trafficking; robbery; sexual assault; strangulation; and traffic incidents and vehicular crimes.
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