NCJ Number
International Journal of the Addictions Volume: 25 Issue: 11 Dated: (1990) Pages: 1341-1382
Date Published
42 pages
Data collected in a longitudinal study of detained juveniles were used to test a model of the relationships among histories of child physical and sexual abuse, alcohol and other drug use, and emotional and psychological problems.
The model specified direct influences of childhood abuse experiences and previous alcohol or other drug use on emotional and psychological functioning problems over time and subsequent use of alcohol or other drugs. The data came from interviews conducted at two points in time with 236 males and 69 females admitted to a regional detention center in the Tampa Bay, Fla. area. The initial interviews took place within 48 hours of admission. The followup interviews took place in late 1987 and early 1988. Results indicated that physical abuse, sexual victimization, and previous drug use are interrelated experiences. Physical abuse related to emotional and psychological functioning problems as measured at the initial interview in each of the drug use analyses. Some of the relationships differed for different drugs. Findings indicated the need to view the youths in holistic terms; focusing on one problem at a time provides only limited insight into the difficulties that must be resolved. Findings also have implications for the assessment of high- risk youths entering the juvenile justice system, staff training, criteria for evaluating intervention programs, and the time demands of effective interventions for multiproblemed youths who use drugs. Figures, tables, appended table and category list, and 62 references
Date Published: January 1, 1990
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