Following an overview of the MBCC's organizational structure and functions, awards administered by MBCC during fiscal year (FY) 2012 are reported. Achievements and highlights of the reporting period are then outlined. They include the hosting of training in a community response to domestic violence and three community events for the 2012 National Crime Victims' Rights Week; the development of a documentary on Montana Crime Victims' Rights; the accession of grant funds for a prescription drug monitoring program; and collaboration with the Montana Law Enforcement Academy, Attorney General's Office, and the University of Montana on the State Victim Assistance Academy Grant. Separate sections of the report provide details on the operation of multi-jurisdictional drug task forces, the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), the Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants, residential substance abuse treatment for State prisoners, under-age drinking and risk behaviors, and the program on the enforcement of underage drinking laws. Other sections of the report address the Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative (JDAI), JDAI's risk assessment, disproportionate minority contact, recordkeeping, Community Prevention Grants Program (Title V), the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant, STOP Violence Against Women, and Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). Other sections of the report pertain to the National Criminal History Improvement Program, data-driven responses, and misdemeanor probation of domestic violence offenses. Extensive tables and figures and appended crime data by category, crime data by county, a listing of sources cited, and MBCC staff contact information
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