NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2020
32 pages
This is the 2019 Annual Report of the National Public Safety Partnership (PSP), which was established in June 2017 to enhance the U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) federal support of state, local, and tribal law enforcement and prosecution authorities in combating violent crime.
PSP is a DOJ-wide initiative that enables cities to consult with and receive coordinated training and technical assistance (TTA) from DOJ in support of public safety strategies and the building of sustainable capacities that address the causes of violent crime. The DOJ PSP model promotes intra- and inter-agency coordination by leveraging specialized law enforcement expertise with dedicated prosecutorial resources to promote public and community safety. In 2019, PSP added 10 new sites and graduated five pilot sites in September. Many sites experienced reductions in violent crime; for example, Birmingham, Alabama, experienced a 15.2-percent reduction in violent crime in 2019 compared to 2018; and Memphis, Tennessee, experienced a 12.1- percent reduction in carjacking offenses year-to-date at the end of 2019. Sites implemented National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) programs, increased collaboration among law enforcement and multidisciplinary networks, expanded crime analysis units, identified prolific offenders, increased federal prosecutions, and continued to challenge themselves to engage in innovative practices to address issues related to violent crime. Specific TTA activities of PSP in 2019 are described. Activities are reported for each of the PSP sites, which are grouped according to the year in which they began participation in PSP. Some of the activities covered are investigations that involve violent crimes, criminal justice collaboration, crime analysis, gun violence, community engagement, grants, and technology.
Date Published: September 1, 2020
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