Highlights from the newsletter include: (1) the 10th Annual Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Program Conference sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) held in August 2008; (2) the annual 2008 OJJDP/State Relations and Assistance Division (SRAD) National Conference held in August 2008 in Tennessee; (3) the 2008 OJJDP National Youth Gang Symposium held in Atlanta, GA in June; (4) the Interdepartmental Tribal Justice, Safety, and Wellness Conference held in August 2008; (4) the 20th Annual Crimes Against Children Conference held in Dallas, TX in August 2008; (5) the 2008 Project Safe Childhood National Conference held in Ohio in September 2008; (6) a two-part training workshop held in July 2008 to address commercial sexual exploitation of children (SCEC in Orlando, FL; (7) new publications entitled, Best Practices to Address Community Gang Problems: OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model and Highlights of the 2006 National Youth Gang Survey (Fact Sheet); (8) new online bulletins entitled, Juvenile Transfer Laws: An Effective Deterrent to Delinquency? and Violence by Teenage Girls: Trends and Context (Girls Study Group); and (9) updates from the Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice.
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