This online brochure from the HELP Brochure Series of the federal Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) addresses the characteristics of the offense and potential victimization harms of impaired driving, identifies victimization needs that frequently occur as a result of impaired driving, and provides information on services available for victims and how to access them.
The brochure advises that a driver commits the crime of impaired driving when his/her ability to operate a vehicle safely is impaired due to the effects of illegal drugs, prescription medications, or over-the-counter medication, as well as having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 g/dl or higher. Victimization harms caused by impaired driving can include death, serious injury, property damage, financial loss, and emotional and financial harms to victims and their family members. One section of the brochure provides information to victims of impaired driving on where to get help. They are advised that victim assistance programs and trained professionals can assist victims in accessing services for various types of need. Requirements for accessing financial compensation from a state for financial harms from the victimization are explained, along with a listing of the types of financial harms from impaired driving that may be covered by victim compensation programs.
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