The findings showed no reduction in another incident of domestic abuse within 6 months of the initial police response because of any of the randomly assigned conditions for a planned second response by police. These findings, combined with earlier research results, indicate that second-response programs and policies are at best no factor in preventing reoffending and at worst may increase the likelihood of a repeat of the abuse. Beginning January 1, 2005, and continuing through December 3, 2005, domestic violence victims who called the Redlands Police Department (California) with a complaint were randomly assigned to receive a second response within 24 hours (n=75), or within 7 days (n=77), or not at all (n=148). Victims who received a second response, whether within 24 hours or 7 days, were visited by a social worker or a specially trained domestic violence police officer, who talked with victims about the nature of domestic violence, helped them develop a safety plan, and informed them about various services and legal alternatives available to provide protection from future abuse. Reoffending was determined from police records and surveys with victims 6 months after the initial complaint was made. 9 tables, 1 figure, and 70 references
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