NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2005
191 pages
This report reviews the activities of each of 11 sites during the first phase (2004) of their implementation of the Safe Start Initiative, a comprehensive effort to improve the identification of and services for children exposed to violence in their homes and communities.
The 11 demonstration sites are Baltimore City, MD; Bridgeport, CT; Chatham County, NC; Chicago, IL; Pinellas County, FL; Pueblo of Zuni, NM; Washington County, ME; Spokane, WA; Sitka, AK; San Francisco, CA; and Rochester, NY. Each of these sites is profiled using the following format: contextual conditions; community capacity; integrated assistance; local agency and community engagement and collaboration; system change activities; institutionalization of change; increased community support; and lessons learned in the implementation and evaluation of Safe Start activities. These case studies of each of the Safe Start demonstration sites reflect improvements and challenges in each site in the early stages of implementing the Safe Start model for preventing and reducing the adverse effects on children of exposure to violence in their families and communities.
Date Published: September 1, 2005
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