This examination of school climate and bullying bystander responses in middle and high school showed schools with better engagement and safety had higher odds of defender behaviors, and a better environment was associated with lower odds of passive and assisting behaviors.
This study, using data from 64,670 adolescents, examined bullying bystander responses as a function of 13 school-climate dimensions within 3 main factors (Engagement, Environment, Safety) and individual-level factors (e.g., race/ethnicity, perceptions of student-teacher connectedness). Multi-level models showed schools with better Engagement and Safety had higher odds of defender behaviors, a better Environment was associated with lower odds of passive and assisting behaviors. Differences also varied by individual-level factors. For example, an aggressive climate was associated with passive behaviors more strongly in boys and high schoolers. Further, higher perceived parent-teacher and student-teacher connectedness were associated with positive bystander behaviors, and this was stronger for Black and Latinx youth, highlighting the importance of improving relationships as a crucial starting point. Bullying bystanders’ reactions are important for either stopping or perpetuating bullying behaviors. Given school-based bullying programs’ focus on bystanders, understanding the associations between school-level factors and individual bystander responses can improve intervention efficacy. (Published Abstract Provided)
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