NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2002
16 pages
Publication Series
This bulletin examined how adolescent victimization affects a victim's life during both adolescence and adulthood.
Utilizing data from the National Youth Survey, this bulletin examined the consequences of both short- and long-term adolescent victimization. The concentration of attention was on the affects of adolescent victimization on the likelihood of various negative outcomes in adulthood that included both voluntary and involuntary behaviors. The study began with an overview of research literature on the consequences of criminal investigation that included: physical and medical costs; financial costs; subsequent offending; and mental health problems and substance use. The study examined, through measurement and analysis, four questions related to adolescent victimization: (1) what are the immediate effects on the victim; (2) how is adolescent victimization related to certain voluntary and involuntary problems in both adolescence and adulthood; (3) is adolescent victimization related to specific problems in adulthood; and (4) how does adolescent victimization affect adult life? Study findings indicated that violent victimization during adolescence had a pervasive effect on problem outcomes in adulthood and increased the chances of being a perpetrator or victim of violence in adulthood. In addition, victimization, specifically violent victimization, showed a significant impact in terms of financial loss, physical injury, and short-term associations with other problem behaviors and outcomes. The combination of three factors, direct costs of victimization (financial loss and physical injury), the high rate of violent adolescent victimization, and the all-encompassing effects of adolescent violent victimization in adulthood, suggest the need for interventions to reduce adolescent victimization. Tables and references
Date Published: February 1, 2002
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