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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

State Progress in Record Reporting for Firearm-Related Background Checks: Misdemeanor Crimes of Domestic Violence

NCJ Number
Date Published
December 2016
13 pages
This resource is the latest in a series of Bureau of Justice Statistics grant-funded reports on firearm-related background checks, and provides an overview of qualifying misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence (MCDV) convictions that prohibit persons from purchasing and possessing a firearm.

The report details the importance of fingerprint-supported criminal history records for background check purposes, including: challenges presented by the wide disparity of State offenses that could potentially be qualifying misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence (MCDV) convictions that may prohibit persons from purchasing and possessing a firearm, and the specific criteria needed in order for Federal prohibitions to apply.

Date Published: December 1, 2016