NCJ Number
Date Published
November 2005
45 pages
This report presents the findings of a 2005 survey of peace officer standards and training (POST) agencies focused on certification practices.
Key survey findings indicate that 46 POST agencies have the authority to certify or license law enforcement officers and all reporting agencies with the exception of 2, reported the ability to revoke the license. The most common reason for revocation was felony conviction, followed by misdemeanors and misconduct. All agencies but one reported using a due process hearing or appeals process for revocation cases. Many POST agencies reported the authority to certify other public safety personnel, including correctional officers, parole and probation personnel, and dispatchers or police communications personnel. During 2004, over 2,000 law enforcement officers had their certificates revoked for cause. Over 13,000 of these revocations occurred in California, Florida, and Georgia. Most POST agencies are not prohibited from sharing revocation information. Recommendations are offered and include the observation that the reporting of revocation actions to the National Decertification Database (NDD) should be contingent upon the availability of due process. The survey was precipitated by a project of the United States Department of Justice to create a national database of peace officers who were decertified for cause with the goal of reducing interstate itinerancy of decertified peace officers. Survey methodology involved mailing each POST director or department director a survey regarding certification information management practices, State practices in relation to the certification of law enforcement officers, and existing impediments to sharing revocation action information. Survey findings are presented by question and by State. Tables, appendixes
Date Published: November 1, 2005
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