This paper provides a systematic evaluation the Precision ID GlobalFiler™ NGS STR panel v2 using single-source samples of various quantity and quality and mixed DNA samples.
This study evaluated in 24 experimental runs the Precision ID GlobalFiler™ NGS STR panel v2 from ThermoFisher, which targets 31 autosomal STRs, amelogenin, and three Y-markers (one STR, SRY, and Yindel). Single-source samples were used in 18 experimental runs, for systematic evaluation. These included assessing library preparation benchmark conditions, limited DNA input, as well as testing repeatability, number of samples per run, and degraded DNA samples. Full profiles were consistently obtained from as little as 50 pg DNA input. Using the optional recovery PCR method improved outcomes for samples with low DNA input. Full profiles were also obtained from severely degraded DNA samples with degradation indices (DI) of > 60. In addition, six experimental runs were performed testing various two-person mixtures with mixture ratios ranging from 1:20 to 20:1. Major and minor contributors were distinguishable by their read counts (coverage), because less DNA input yielded lower read counts, analogous to the traditional CE technology, where less DNA produces lower peak heights. Mixture ratios of approximately 1:1 were indistinguishable, while a greater imbalance, i.e., higher mixture ratios, made the mixture more distinguishable between major and minor contributors. Based on this information, the highest success rate of correctly deconvoluted four-allelic loci was from mixtures with 1:3 ratios. At higher mixture ratios, the drop-out rate of the minor contributor increased, reducing the number of four-allelic loci. Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) techniques were developed approximately 15 years ago. Meanwhile, several MPS kits for forensic identification, phenotypic information, ancestry, and mitochondrial DNA analysis have been developed. Sequencing short tandem repeats (STRs) has certain advantages over the currently used length-based genotyping methods. MPS is more discriminative and includes the possibility of testing high numbers of targets, different types of markers, as well as the use of smaller amplicons. (Published Abstract Provided)
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