This informative DVD resource presents a video series and related materials that discuss the impact and consequences of children exposed to crime, abuse, and violence.
This Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) DVD resource presents a video series and related materials that discuss how crime, abuse, violence, and trauma affect children. The series includes videos on: 1) how violence and trauma affect children; 2) treatments that work; 3) the Child Advocacy Center Model; 4) community- and faith-based approaches to protect and respond to children; 5) addressing violence in the home; 6) school interventions; 7) juvenile justice innovations; and 8) a call to action for addressing exposure to violence. The videos can be watched via YouTube, or downloaded in three versions: QuickTime, Windows Media, and Closed Caption. Additional online child and youth victimization resources from OVC that detail the effects on children of exposure to violence and trauma are also provided.