NCJ Number
Date Published
December 2003
0 pages
Publication Series
This DVD presents the proceedings of a National Teleconference on "Working Together to Stop the Prostitution of Children" (December 11, 2003).
The objectives of the teleconference are to provide a forum for communicating the significance of the commercial exploitation of children in the sex trade; highlight the problem for the justice system, social service providers, and public health agencies; present promising programs and identify resources; and promote education on the issue. The format for the teleconference involves a panel of experts who represent the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and representatives of law enforcement, prosecutorial, and nonprofit programs that have been involved in addressing the commercial sexual exploitation of children. The DVD profiles programs in New York City; Atlanta, GA; and San Francisco, CA that are countering the commercial sexual victimization of children. The program in New York City involves the cooperation of a specialized police unit and representatives from the social services department in identifying and working with child prostitutes in efforts to involve them in services that will give them constructive and satisfying alternatives to prostitution. The Atlanta program focuses on the investigation, arrest, and prosecution of pimps who recruit, exploit, abuse, and generally victimize children in the sex trade. Their primary prosecutorial tool is the Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. The San Francisco program is a nonprofit program called S.A.G.E., which provides counseling, support, employment services, and referral services to child victims of commercial sexual exploitation. S.A.G.E. works with law enforcement, prosecutors, social services, and public health agencies in order to treat and rehabilitate these sexually abused and maltreated children. These program profiles are interspersed with questions from viewers and answers by the panel of experts.
Date Published: December 1, 2003
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