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OVC Fast Facts: Office for Victims of Crime Reports on 2013–2014 Programs and Services Fact Sheet

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2015
2 pages
This fact sheet summarizes the programs and services of the U.S. Justice Department's Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) that were conducted in fiscal years 2013-2014.

The OVC's 2015 Report to the Nation - "Building Capacity Through Research, Innovation, Technology, and Training" - describes OVC's progress in upholding victims' rights and providing assistance to victims, survivors, and communities during FYs 2013 and 2014. The online report highlights new and expanded programs and services, reports financial allocations to States and Territories, and describes OVC's collaboration with partner agencies and organizations in developing innovative projects that improve and expand victim services. A number of OVC actions addressed sexual assault in the U.S. military, including partnering with the U.S. Department of Defense to educate victim service providers about cooperating with local military installations to respond to sexual assault victims. OVC continued its efforts to assist human-trafficking victims, awarding nearly $18 million to grantees and task forces that serve this victim population. OVC also funded the development of victim-centered community wellness strategies in tribal communities. Three demonstration sites were established in tribal communities as part of an initiative to establish sexual assault nurse examiner programs that address the needs of sexual assault victims. In FYs 2013-1014, OVC worked with Federal and local partners to respond to the needs of victims and survivors of terrorism and mass violence in Colorado, Alabama, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. In addition, OVC developed mobile applications to inform victims and the public about victim resources and services. OVC also increased its online training opportunities for victim service providers.