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2023 Missing American Indian and Alaska Native Persons: Age 21 and Under

NCJ Number
Date Published
May 2024
1 page

This data sheet provides a brief explanation and four charts on missing persons incidents for Native American Indians and Alaska Native youth under the age of 21.


This one-page data sheet provides information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI’s) National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Missing Person File, for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) ages 21 and under. The data included in this document cover incidents of persons who have gone missing rather than the number of people who went missing, so if a person went missing more than once in one year, that person may be entered into the NCIC multiple times. The four featured charts depict: a bar chart of missing AI/AN person entries in NCIC (2023), including males and females; a pie chart breaking down missing AI/AN persons by age, noting those less-than 12 years old, 12-17 years old, 18-20 years old, and 21 and older; a pie chart breaking down the ages of missing AI/AN males; and a separate pie chart breaking down the ages of missing AI/AN females.