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Aboriginal People and the Criminal Justice System: Report 2 Comparison of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Contact with the South Australia Juvenile Justice System, 1997

NCJ Number
J Doherty
Date Published
118 pages
This report compares Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal young people's contact with the South Australian juvenile justice system in 1997.
The report compares Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal contact with the juvenile justice system in five main areas: (1) police apprehensions and actions taken following apprehension; (2) formal cautions administered by police; (3) family conference referrals and conferences held; (4) finalized appearances before the Youth Court; and (5) juveniles held in custody in Youth Training Centers. The report identifies areas of difference between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal young people in relation to sex, age, residential location, type of offense alleged or charged, and the outcome or penalty. Aboriginal youths' contact with the juvenile justice system was six times greater than would be expected on a per capita basis. They were substantially more likely to be referred to the Youth Court, and were substantially overrepresented in secure care admissions. Figures, tables, notes, appendix, references