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Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory: The Development and Validation of a Questionnaire of Short-Term and Long-Term Self-Regulation

NCJ Number
Journal of Youth and Adolescence Volume: 36 Issue: 6 Dated: August 2007 Pages: 835-848
Kristin L. Moilanen
Date Published
August 2007
14 pages
This paper presents a study in which the factor structure and validity of the Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) were examined.
Confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that the internal consistency of the long-term and short-term factors of the Adolescent Self-Regulatory (ASRI) were satisfactory. Requirements for concurrent and construct validity were met. The ASRI demonstrated incremental validity, as the inclusion of the long-term factor with a comparison questionnaire significantly increased the proportion of explained variance in adolescent-reported parental warmth, externalizing, and prosocial behavior. The ASRI was developed to correspond with theories of self-regulatory development in adolescence. The ASRI taps two temporal aspects of self-regulation, the regulation in the short- and long-term. This study examined the temporal distinction in self-regulation and is based on the theoretical position that the multiple domains of self-regulation are interrelated. In the face of difficulty, children and adolescents use multiple strategies to simultaneously regulate their affect, behavior, and attention. A self-report questionnaire focusing on self-regulation, parenting behaviors and psychological adjustment was completed by 169 students in the 6th, 8th and 10th grades from a small midwestern school district. Tables, figure, appendix, and references