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Agenda-ing Gender: Feminism and the Engendering of Academic Criminology in South Africa (From International Feminist Perspectives in Criminology: Engendering a Discipline, P 39-60, 1995, Nicole H Rafter and Frances Heidensohn, eds. -- See NCJ- 158792)

NCJ Number
D Hansson
Date Published
22 pages
The nature and extent of feminist transformations in academic criminology in South Africa are explored, and key engendering effects of feminism on various aspects of academic criminology are discussed.
The very meaning of feminism in South Africa is contested, although South African feminists seem to agree that feminism is a political effort to eliminate systematic social injustice suffered by females because of their sex. In South Africa, feminism is not an institutionalized academic discipline like criminology, sociology, or law. An overview of feminism and academic criminology is presented that deals with transformations in research practice and teaching developments. Theories of feminist criminology are noted, especially in the context of progressive-realist criminology and the impact of feminism on this academic discipline. Future directions for feminism in South Africa are considered in relation to social structuring, emerging political trends, and the impact of feminism on criminology and criminal justice policies. 85 references and 13 notes