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Alabama Judicial System - Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1981

NCJ Number
Date Published
58 pages
Despite increasing caseloads, particularly in the criminal jurisdictions, the Alabama State appellate and trial courts have been able to maintain current dockets.
A new death penalty act passed by the State legislature in 1981 altered procedures for trying cases involving capital offenses. The Alabama Criminal Code, containing provisions for sentencing repeat felony offenders, became effective on Jan. 1, 1980. Caseload statistics, filings, and dispositions are noted for the Alabama Supreme Court, the court of criminal appeals, the court of civil appeals, circuit courts, and district courts. Also reported are types of cases tried; court services, programs, associations, organizations, and resources; legislative acts; Alabama Supreme Court rules; attorney general opinions; names of judicial officials; and changes in circuit and district judgeships. Tables, graphs, maps, and photographs are provided.


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