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Alcohol Consumption & Drug Use in a Sample of Australian University Students

NCJ Number
Youth Studies Australia Volume: 21 Issue: 3 Dated: September 2002 Pages: 25-32
Jeremy Davey; Tamzyn Davey; Patricia Obst
Date Published
September 2002
8 pages
This study examined drug taking behavior and the relationship between drug and alcohol use in an Australian university.
The authors examined questionnaire data from 275 students at the Queensland University of Technology in order to understand the drug taking behavior of university students. The questionnaires asked about alcohol use, drug use, driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, and attitudes about driving while under the influence of drugs. The results indicate that 88 percent of the participants drank alcohol, with 45 percent drinking weekly. Seventy percent reported binge drinking at least monthly. Thirty-five percent of the participants reported using other illicit drugs within the past year, while almost 20 percent had used other drugs during the past month. In researching the relationship between drug and alcohol use, the authors report that a significant and moderate correlation emerged; there were a significant number of students who reported using both alcohol and drugs. In conclusion, the authors note that a high proportion of university students in Australia reported drinking to excess, which is consistent with results of similar studies conducted in the United States. The authors call for more research into this potentially harmful facet of student culture. References


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