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All the Brother Wanted Was a Ride: Lynching and Police Powers in Texas (From States of Confinement: Policing, Detention, and Prisons, P 191-204, 2000, Joy James, ed. -- See NCJ-183621)

NCJ Number
Larvester Gaither
Date Published
14 pages
Historically, from the era of slavery to the present time, blacks have used various tactics and strategies to protect themselves from violence.
Often, particularly during the post-civil rights movement, these tactics and strategies were formulated in response to specific incidents, such as the Rodney King beating in Los Angeles. Responses to anti-black violence have ranged from armed revolt to non-violent protest to subservient accommodation. On rare occasions, especially since passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1965, the media have projected black responses to violence outside the confines of accommodation. The author notes that blacks as a group remain uncertain about their political and social status, and he suggests blacks must resolve this ambiguity in order to address reactionary forms of criminalization and the apparent resurgence of anti-black violence. In addition, the author believes that major political and structural changes are needed to address police brutality, the racist application of the death penalty, the disproportionate incarceration of blacks, hate crimes, and vigilantism. 17 notes