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Allegheny County's Approach to Population Control: The Population Control Manager

NCJ Number
Large Jail Network Bulletin Volume: 2 Issue: 3 Dated: (March 1991) Pages: 11-12
C Kozakiewicz
Date Published
2 pages
As a means of complying with a 1983 court order that imposed jail population caps, Allegheny County (Pennsylvania) hired a population control manager to coordinate efforts for the release or transfer of inmates and for the identification of eligible inmates, consistent with State law.
Categories of inmates eligible for release, transfer, or expedited movement through the jail include inmates held for violating county probation, inmates held for violating State parole, inmates convicted and not yet sentenced, inmates awaiting trial, inmates awaiting transfer to State correctional institutions, and inmates held for other authorities. The primary goal of the population control manager is to coordinate the intake and transfer of county jail inmates. In the interests of efficiency and economy, population control managers enjoy the full cooperation of the jail administration and a variety of agencies, officials, and contractors. Their efforts are directed at keeping the flow of inmates continually moving within the county jail system and ensuring that all possible measures are being taken to keep the inmate population at a minimum and below the court-established cap. The appointment of a population control manager has brought significant benefits to the Allegheny County Jail administration.


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