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American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry, Volume 10

NCJ Number
A Tasman, S M Goldfinger
Date Published
675 pages
This volume addresses five topic areas: schizophrenia, dissociative disorders, sexual abuse of children and adolescents, neuroscience, and new perspectives on women's and men's development.
All selections are designed to span a broad range of psychiatric practice for each topic area. Contributors to the section on schizophrenia present both recommendations for psychopharmacologic and psychosocial treatment intervention as well as predictions for future directions in research and treatment. The section devoted to dissociative disorders reviews epidemiology, clinical course, etiology, and treatment of a variety of significant disorders. Identifying the significant frequency of sexual abuse of children, contributors to this section discuss clinical assessment, treatment interventions, and interactions with the legal system. The section on neuroscience examines genetic, molecular biologic, and neurochemistry techniques in depth and considers their implications for understanding psychiatric disorders and treatment. The final section on human development attests to the widespread recognition of the importance of gender issues in every aspect integral to psychiatry, ranging from research focused on in utero brain development to sociocultural sex role socialization, unique minority issues, and basic diagnostic and treatment issues. 37 figures, 20 tables, and 2,845 references