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Anniversary Week, May 7-11, 1990, at the Dutch Police Academy

NCJ Number
Date Published
54 pages
A seminar on the Dutch police force was held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Dutch Police Academy in May 1990. In attendance were students from most senior police officer training schools in Europe.
The morning discussions focused on innovations in the Dutch police. Speakers noted the centralized and decentralized effects of these innovations as well as certain environmental trends associated with technical, criminological, and social developments. The processes of change and innovation in the Dutch police have identified a number of policy starting points which affect police organization, management style, and effectiveness. The afternoon session focused on the impact of the 1992 removal of borders among European Community members on the police forces of those countries. Consequences in the areas of traffic, maintenance of public order, crime control, and alien control were considered. The internationalization of European police will be seen in both competitive and cooperative ramifications.