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Annual Statistical Report of the Furlough Program, 1989

NCJ Number
L Lorant; R Tenaglia
Date Published
42 pages
This report presents a statistical description of furloughs granted by the Massachusetts Department of Correction for the year 1989.
The report has three main sections. The first section describes the furlough program and provides some background information. The second section presents furlough statistics for 1989. The third section provides furlough statistics and a discussion of trends from the inception of the program in 1972 until the end of 1989. Appended tables present the number and percentage distribution of 1989 furloughs by inmate social characteristics, offense variables, criminal history variables, and furlough characteristics. The data indicate that during 1989 a total of 2,123 furloughs were granted to 484 individuals, a decrease of 34 percent from 1988 and a 25-percent decrease from 1988. The median number of furloughs for furloughed offenders for 1989 was two. This is the same as the 1988 median of two furloughs for furloughed offenders. The report provides information on furloughs granted from Department of Correction facilities only. It does not include furloughs taken from county houses of correction or Bridgewater State Hospital. The data presented were obtained from institutional furlough rosters and the computerized inmate database. 6 tables