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Opioid Affected Youth Initiative (OAYI) Podcast Answering the Call: Case by Case

NCJ Number
Opioid Affected Youth Initiative
Date Published
May 2023

This podcast episode is part of the Opioid Affected Youth Initiative's nine-segment podcast series. 


The Opioid Affected Youth Initiative’s nine-segment podcast series, Answering the Call, seeks to examine the roles and perspectives of first responders, marginalized communities, and justice systems, as well as the role of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention in the opioid crisis. In this episode, “Case by Case”, Brooke Byrd and Kelly Tanner, will address the intersection of substance use and human trafficking and share their personal perspectives on strategies for increasing the trauma competency of those in positions to support and connect with potential victims of human trafficking. Mrs. Byrd and Mrs. Kelly discuss the associated risks of opioid and substance use, identify ways to improve protective factors for children and families, and speak to the disconnect between the subtlety and cruelty of trafficking.