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Antisocial Constructs in Predicting Institutional Violence Among Violent Offenders and Child Molesters

NCJ Number
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Volume: 47 Issue: 3 Dated: June 2003 Pages: 324-334
Jeremy F. Mills; Daryl G. Kroner
Date Published
June 2003
11 pages
This article examines the effectiveness of three antisocial orientation scales in predicting institutional infractions among violent and sexual offenders.
Previous research has demonstrated that the demographic variable of age is often the strongest and most consistent predictor of institutional misconduct, with younger inmates having a more difficult time adjusting to prison life, which can lead to greater infractions among this group. The authors hypothesized that self-reported antisocial characteristics should help in the prediction of institutional adjustment, however, the authors speculate that the influence of antisocial characteristics may differ from one group of inmates to another. Two hundred and eight male Federal prisoners completed the Basic Personality Inventory (BPI), which contains three antisocial orientation scales that measure personality and psychopathology. The offenders were categorized into 2 groups: violent offenders (n = 139) or child sexual offenders (n = 69). Results of statistical regression analyses revealed that antisocial characteristics were related to institutional adjustment and subsequent aggressive behavior while in prison, but the results differed between groups. For the sexual offender group, interpersonal problems added significantly to the variance in the relationship between age and violent incidents. On the other hand, within the group of violent offenders, violent institutional incidents were better explained by the antisocial measures of alienation and impulse expression. The authors suggest that the deeper understanding of inmate behavior gleaned from this study can assist the correctional system with placing inmates into appropriate treatment alternatives to aid in the transition and adjustment to prison life. References