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Application of Social Learning Methods in a Residential Programme for Young Offenders

NCJ Number
Journal of Adolescence Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Dated: (December 1985) Pages: 321-331
B Brown
Date Published
11 pages
This study assesses the effectiveness of Unit One, a community-based juvenile residential program in Southeast London (England) that uses a token economy, a school program, teaching interactions, and self-government.
Unit One is a partial replication of the Achievement Place family group home program used in the United States. An analysis of the outcomes for the first eight youths discharged and followed up for 1 year found that five youths did not offend while in the program or during the 1-year followup. These youths were placed either at home after discharge or in an alternative community-based setting. Three youths committed five offenses during the program and two offenses during the followup period (by one youth). The recidivistic youths were returned from Unit One to long-term institutional or custodial care. The program assessment also evaluated a training course for care workers in the use of teaching interaction skills and analyzed the antecedents of successful and unsuccessful compliance-bidding by Unit One teachers. 22 references.