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Arizona 1993 Annual Report on Formula Grant Program Activities

NCJ Number
Date Published
33 pages
Prepared by the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission, this annual report describes activities carried out between July 1992 and June 1993 under the Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance Drug Control and Systems Improvement Formula Grant Program.
The report provides summary information, including goals, objectives, and achievements, on funded programs. The programs focus on identifying, locating, arresting, and incarcerating drug law violators; providing guidance and assistance to drug law enforcement officers in case investigation development; and conducting Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE). Other programs concern drug offender detention, forensic drug evidence analysis, court adjudication, drug demand reduction through community policing, criminal history records improvement, organized crime prevention, financial investigations, gang prevention, and drug demand reduction. Data on multijurisdictional drug apprehension and prosecution task forces and other programs are provided. 6 tables


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